Hatainan's career within design spans over 10 years and has endowed her with extensive experience within the residential, retail, corporate, and hospitality design sectors. She has continued to develop her creative skill set by exploring the nuances within a variety of design fields, enabling her to develop a comprehensive approach to a wide range of projects.
Here she went onto collaborate with experienced professionals at established design agencies. Her work has led her to collaborate on projects with international brands which enabled her to support many local businesses, she is experienced in project management.
As part of project management she has been successful in liaising with clients, all the way from construction and through to final completion. Ensuring commitment and consistency for her clients. She prides herself on exceeding her client’s expectations and ensuring complete ‘end goal’ satisfaction.
She also has a deep passion for silversmith and loves to design her own creations. Together with furniture design.
2017 - present : Founder & Interior Architect at MADEBYLAYER
2012-2016 : Senior Designer, WHITESPACE, Bangkok
2011 : Junior Designer, IA49, Bangkok
2010 : Interior Designer Assistant at HYBRID, Melbourne, Australia